Resumen del curso INGLES A1-A2

A través de este curso, el alumno obtendrá conocimientos teórico prácticos necesarios para desenvolverse eficazmente en este idioma, además de reforzar las expectativas laborales comunicándose de manera fluida en inglés. Los contenidos están adaptados al Marco Europeo Común de Referencia, lo cual permite una mayor compatibilidad con otros sistemas de enseñanza de idiomas y facilita la movilidad geográfica de la persona que se acredita.
Unit 1: subject pronouns, verb to be, possessive adjectives, days of the week, numbers, countries, classroom language
Unit 2: singular and plural nouns, adjectives, imperatives, let's, things, in, on, under, colours, adjectives, modifiers, feelings
Unit 3: present simple, word order in questions, verb phrases, jobs, question words
Unit 4: possessive's, whose, prepositions of time and place, family, daily routine, months, adverbs and expressions of frequency
Unit 5: Can, can't, present continuous, verb phrases, the weather and seasons
Unit 6: object pronouns, like +verb-ing, be or do, words in a story, the date, ordinal numbers, music
Unit 7: was/were, past simple regular and irregular verbs, word formation, past time expressions, go, have, get
Unit 8: past simple cont'd, there is/there are, some/any, there was, there were, the house, prepositions of place and movement
Unit 9: countable/uncountable nouns, a/an, some/any, quantifiers, comparative adjectives, food and drink, food containers, high numbers
Unit 10: superlative adjectives, be going to, future time expressions,be going to predictions, places and buildings, city holidays, verb phrases
Unit 11:adverbs (manner and modifiers), verb+to+infinitive, definite article, common verbs, verbs that take the infinitive, phones and the internet
Unit 12: present perfect, present perfect or past simple, irregular past participles, revision question formation