Resumen del curso INMERSION EN INGLES
Objetivos |
• Aumentar la capacidad de comprensión del inglés hablado por nativos. • Aumentar la fluidez hablando. • Ayudar en el desarrollo de la confianza del alumno para comunicarse utilizando sólo inglés. • Mejorar la precisión, a través del descubrimiento de más de 250 fallos en el inglés del alumno. (la cantidad media que solemos encontrar) • Enseñar el sistema desarrollado por Optima Communication para la erradicación permanente de dichos errores. • Conseguir que el alumno aprenda y disfrute a la vez durante la inmersión. • Evaluación completa del inglés del alumno por 10 criterios diferentes. • Elaboración de un informe por escrito con recomendaciones específicas para cada alumno. • Recomendaciones de métodos y materiales para la mejora continua después del curso. |
Contenido |
INTRODUCTION CLASS Student Background. • What do you do? Hobbies, interests, life, Objectives for this week • What do you want to be able to do? (specifically) Course Philosophy • Your mistakes are your Friends. • Motivation dedication patience and Learning curve • Dynamic Communication structure in class How to improve your English and quantify the progress ENGLISH FOR BUSINESS SITUATIONS Warm up chat continuing from notes on background. English for business situations • Review of all the different contexts the student has to use English for at work. • What material do you need to control in English • Interesting conversation topics, role plays that you would like to practice this week. Practical conversational English out of the centre Discussing Topics of interest related to work, reviewing vocabulary and improving listening comprehension EXPLAINING YOUR JOB AND PERFECTING VOCABULARY Warm up chat continuing from notes on their background Explaining Past and Present responsibilities; • Background to tile industry, problems and challenges for the future • The Globalisation challenge Learning Philosophy Pronunciation problems, communicating your ideas NUMBERS IN ENGLISH + ROLEPLAYS • The typical mistakes that can lead to BIG problems. Numbers and figures Fractions Ordinal and Cardinal numbers English for financial situations Airport Vocabulary review. Role plays ; • In the airport situation, speaking to immigration control about the reason for your visit • Other possible situations in an airport (booking flights, making a complaint,) PREPARING A WORK MEETING • Ways to plan a meeting in English. Objectives, content, results, feedback. Agreeing and disagreeing • Distinguish between polite and impolite ways Asking the right questions Practical conversational English out of the centre VERBS, CONTEXT AND COMMUNICATION Correct verb tense use and the implicit meanings they convey. Use of verbs in past tense Use of present simple: describing daily activities; Discussing Topics of interest related to work, reviewing vocabulary and improving listening comprehension FINAL REVIEW - Student evaluation - Study plan - Recommendations Recording of pronunciation list |