Resumen del curso INGLES B1 Intermediate
Objetivos |
Speaking •Can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations •Can briefly explain and justify opinions •Can give practical instructions on how to do something e.g. cooking •Can relate the plot of a book or film and describe their reactions •Can use a prepared questionnaire to carry out a structured interview, with some spontaneous follow-up questions •Can describe past experiences and tell a story •Can give, ask for and follow detailed directions •Can give a short, prepared presentation on a very familiar topic and answer clear questions •Can compare and contrast alternatives, discuss what to do, where to go etc •Can relate the main content of short texts they have read Speaking: The Level statements •Able to handle communication in most familiar situations •Pronunciation is generally intelligible, but L1 features may put a strain on the listener •Able to construct longer utterances but is not able to use complex language except in well-rehearsed utterances. Shows good control of simple grammatical forms •Has some ability to compensate for communication difficulties using repair strategies, but may require prompting and assistance by an interlocutor •Uses a range of appropriate vocabulary when talking about familiar topics. Has problems searching for language resources to express ideas and concepts, resulting in pauses and hesitation Listening •Understand clearly articulated speech in everyday conversation asking for repetition of words and phrases where necessary. •Identify the main points of a conversation or extended discussion •Understand short stories, anecdotes and news bulletins delivered slowly and clearly •Follow many films in which visuals and action carry much of the storyline |
Contenido |
• talk about looking for and applying for a job • ask and answer questions in a job interview • talk about jobs and work • use present perfect simple and continuous to connect the past with the present • understand the difference between for, during and since • follow a report about working abroad • talk about celebrities, success and fame • understand an interview with a Hollywood agent • recognise and use phrasal verbs • use the first conditional for real situations • use the second conditional for unreal present or future situations • understand a report about reality T V shows • talk about art and artists, literature and writers • understand a guided visit in an art museum and a report on New York’s M0MA • use a combination of verb tenses and linking words to tell a story • express your opinion about art and literature • use reflexive pronouns • use appropriate expressions to say goodbye, according to the occasion • talk about renovations, trades people and the work they do • talk about personal grooming • use have something done to refer to services provided by others • use reported speech and indirect questions • understand a report about personal Assistants |