Resumen del curso INGLES B1
Objetivos |
El curso tiene como objetivo que el alumnado maneje el idioma con cierta seguridad y flexibilidad, receptiva y productivamente, así como comprender y producir textos en una variedad de contextos, con estructuras habituales y un léxico común no muy idiomático, y que traten sobre temas genéricoss, cotidianos o de interés personal. A lo largo del temario se tratará: Present perfect past simple Past Continuous Past simple Oraciones condicionales 1st Conditional Future Forms Modal verbs of obligation Other Modal Forms Modal verbs of Probability Make versus do Wish if i only i´d rather Past Perfect Simple versus Past Perfect Continuous uses of get |
Contenido |
1 Unit 1 - present perfect - past simple - 1.1 Conversaciones telefonicas - 1.2 Vocabulario relacionado con la gastronomia - 1.3 The present perfect tense - 1.4 Already, yet, just - 1.5 Business Phone Call - 1.6 Complete the following conversation - 1.7 Watch the video then read the script - 1.8 Comprehension check - 1.9 Vocabulary - 1.10 Complete the following table - 1.11 Complete the following sentences - 1.12 Write the sentences above - 1.13 Making Arrangements on the Phone - 1.14 Grammar practice - 1.15 The Thank You Letter - 1.16 Find synonyms in the text - 1.17 Verbs whith particle - 1.18 Grammar practice - 1.19 Put the verbs in brackets - 1.20 Vocabulary practice - 1.21 Writing - 1.22 Fill in the gaps - 1.23 Write down the correct preposition - 1.24 Writing - 1.25 Complete the sentences - 1.26 Grammar practice - 1.27 Answer the questions below - 1.28 Writing - 1.29 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 1 - 2 Unit 2 - Past Continuous - Past simple - 2.1 Vocabulario relacionado con el tema de la delincuencia - 2.2 La diferencia entre steal y rob - 2.3 The past continuous tense - 2.4 Las expresiones de cantidad - 2.5 An investigation - 2.6 Vocabulary - 2.7 Watch the video then read the script - 2.8 Say whether the statements are true or false - 2.9 Grammar practice - 2.10 Getting back to work - 2.11 Grammar practice - 2.12 Complete the following text - 2.13 Reading - 2.14 Vocabulary practice - 2.15 Choose the correct form of the verb - 2.16 Corret the following sentences - 2.17 Writing - 2.18 Answer the following questions about yourself - 2.19 Writing - 2.20 What were you doing - 2.21 Translate these sentences into English - 2.22 Read the following text - 2.23 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 2 - 3 Unit 3 - Oraciones condicionales - 3.1 Vocabulariol del sector hotelero - 3.2 Las oraciones condicionales - 3.3 Watch the video then read the script - 3.4 Vocabulary practice - 3.5 Comprehension - 3.6 Watch the video again and answer the questions - 3.7 Complete the following sentences - 3.8 Grammar Box - 3.9 What type of conditional sentences are they - 3.10 Comprehension - 3.11 Watch the video and finish the sentences - 3.12 Grammar practice - 3.13 Listening - 3.14 Watch the video and then read the script - 3.15 Vocabulary practice - 3.16 Supply the correct verb from the box - 3.17 Match the following descriptions - 3.18 Language in use - 3.19 Rewrite the following sentences - 3.20 Find and correct the mistake - 3.21 Finish each sentence in a suitable way - 3.22 Complete the dialogue - 3.23 Answer the following questions - 3.24 Put the verbs in the correct form - 3.25 Writing - 3.26 Write about a strange experience - 3.27 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 3 - 4 Unit 4 - 1st Conditional - Future Forms - 4.1 Imagine you are being interviewed for a job - 4.2 Decide if the following are good or bad pieces of advice - 4.3 Study the following table and complete it - 4.4 Use of the article the with Geographical names - 4.5 Grammar Help Box. The First Conditional - 4.6 Watch the video and read the script - 4.7 Correct the sentences using the words in the box - 4.8 Complete the following recipe with these cooking verbs - 4.9 Put one of the following verbs in each space - 4.10 Read and listen the conversation - 4.11 Listening - 4.12 Listening - 4.13 Reading - 4.14 Answer the following questions - 4.15 Vocabulary practice - 4.16 Grammar Help Box - 4.17 Grammar practice - 4.18 Put the verb in the correct form using will, going to - 4.19 Match the sentences with the descriptions given - 4.20 Fill in the spaces in the following sentences - 4.21 Read the following text - 4.22 Decide if the statements are true or false - 4.23 Decide whether the sentences are right or wrong - 4.24 Complete the following sentences - 4.25 Writing - 4.26 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 4 - 5 Unit 5 - Modal verbs of obligation - Other Modal Forms - 5.1 Fears and phobias - 5.2 Match up the correct phases - 5.3 Such and Soa - 5.4 Must and have to - 5.5 Watch the video - 5.6 Match the modal verbs with one of the descriptions - 5.7 Use must or have to to fill the gaps - 5.8 Listening - 5.9 Vocabulary practice - 5.10 Find the phrasal verbs which mean - 5.11 Put the following sentences in the correct order - 5.12 Reading - 5.13 Decide whether the following sentencese - 5.14 Vocabulary practice - 5.15 Modal Verbs of Obligation - 5.16 Phrasal Verbs - 5.17 Complete the sentences using the correct form - 5.18 Reading - 5.19 Complete the sentences with such or so as appropriate - 5.20 Complete the sentences - 5.21 Writing - 5.22 Complete the texts - 5.23 Writing - 5.24 Writing - 5.25 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 5 - 6 Unit 6 - Modal verbs of Probability - Make versus do - 6.1 The Weather - 6.2 Modal verbs of probability - 6.3 Make and Do - 6.4 Grammar practice - 6.5 Watch the video and say if the sentences are true or false - 6.6 Watch the video read the script and fill in the blanks - 6.7 Listening - 6.8 Pronunciation practice - 6.9 Listening - 6.10 Listen and read - 6.11 Vocabulary practice - 6.12 Match what the doctor says - 6.13 Choose the incorrect option in the following lists - 6.14 Complete the sentences - 6.15 Modal verbs in the past - 6.16 Make or Do - 6.17 Complete the sentences with one suitable word - 6.18 Write sentences to explain each situation - 6.19 Decide if the following actions need Make or Do - 6.20 Writing - 6.21 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 6 - 7 Unit 7 - wish - if i only - i´d rather - 7.1 Idiomatic expressions revision - 7.2 Disasters and tragedies - 7.3 I wish - if only I - Id rather - 7.4 Grammar Practice - 7.5 Some other uses of rather - 7.6 Watch the video and read the script - 7.7 Grammar practice - 7.8 Reading - 7.9 Now say whether these statements are true or false - 7.10 Grammar practice - 7.11 Listening - 7.12 Listen again and check your answers - 7.13 Vocabulary practice - 7.14 Choose the correct form of the verb - 7.15 Rewrite the following sentences using the given word - 7.16 Choose the correct word - 7.17 Write ten words that match these definitions - 7.18 Choose the correct phrasal verb - 7.19 Fill in the gaps with a suitable word or words - 7.20 Write three things that you wish were different now - 7.21 Write five sentences using phrasal verbs with go - 7.22 Writing - 7.23 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 7 - 8 Unit 8 - Past Perfect Simple versus Past Perfect Continuous - uses of get - 8.1 Banks and banking - 8.2 Uses of Get - 8.3 Past Perfect Simple vs. Past Perfect Continuous - 8.4 Watch the video and read the script - 8.5 Grammar practice - 8.6 Reading - 8.7 Answer the questions about the text - 8.8 Vocabulary practice - 8.9 Put the words in the box in the correct places in the text - 8.10 Hand action verbs - 8.11 Listening - 8.12 Pronunciation practice - 8.13 Complete the sentences in the past perfect using the verbs given - 8.14 Complete the sentences with the correct form of Get - 8.15 Vocabulary practice - 8.16 Complete the sentences with an suitable form of the word given - 8.17 Match the verbs below to the correct definition - 8.18 Choose the best form of the verbs between brackets in the text below - 8.19 Complete the phrases using the present perfecta - 8.20 Past perfect - 8.21 Read the situations and then completed the sentences - 8.22 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 8 - 8.23 Cuestionario: Cuestionario final - |